Monday 30 April 2012

Task 2d Looking Inward

During this course and looking at the tasks, it has made me question alot about my professionl practise and look into my future about what kind of teacher i want to be. Thankfully my job has given me great insight into different teaching teachniques. I have been into quite a few schools in the enfield area, mostly in nursery or reception, which has enabled me to see how different classes are run, the teaching, the management, the resources, team work and different teachniques etc. Many people dont get to experiance this as they carry out there PGCE at university and by spending some time teaching in one school for 6 weeks. Or they do the GTP which is based in one school.
The questions in 2d have really made me think about about my everyday practice and what i take from it......

what in your daily practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about? who do you admire who also works with what makes you enthusiastic?

What makes me really enthusiastic at work is the children i work with. You can learn so much from children when it comes down to teaching them and allowing them the freedom to play to enable you to tap into their teaching. Like us as adults each child has an individual way of what is best for them to learn. With some children you can see when they are learning that some are just more accademic than others, some are visual learners and some of them are more sensory/environmental learners. Being able to step back at times to observe children to find out their interests and likes is the most key in their learning especially at a young age. This makes me extreamly enthusiastic as you build aa relationship with a child that is special to them as you are able to use all of your knowledge and resources to suit their needs and adapt.
As i work with children who have difficultises/needs it can be quite a challenge to tap into their learning as some are very closed off from the outside world and their minds work or imagen things in a different way. Like other children (society call them "mainstream") key is to tap into their interests, which can take longer and change quickly but when you do and you are able to share that experiance with them it makes all hard work worth while. And to feel that u have changed that childs life to some degree is extreamly special.

what gets you angry or makes you sad? who do you admire who shares your feelings or has found away to work around sadness or anger?

what makes me angry?? ummmm...... people that treat children with difficulties/needs differently to other "mainstream" children. I cant stand anything worse that these children being treated differently by society. I put this down to lack of experiance. Thankfully i would have been the same if i didnt get my experiance that i did from Chicken Shed. I can remember my first experiance of being exposed to people with needs and in all honesty, it scared the hell out of me and i put that down to never experiancing it or being exposed to it growing up. Spending my time at Chicken Shed enabled me to work with people i never thought i would and taught me to take people for their personalities and to never judge. This has helped me come far in life and taught me a valuable lession that i will cheerish forever, in all it has made me a better person and more excepting. So now working in Intervention has led me to work with children from 3-5 setting the foundations of their future lives, from helping them to build relationships with their peers to simple teaching them to go to the toilet just by singing their favourite song. But what also comes with my job is that i see how teachers treat these children differently, dont get me wrong some teachers are amazing with these children and take the time to understand them and adapt things for them. However some are not and it goes back to the saying of "some children should be seen and not heard". Again i put this down to lack of experiance, i dont blame individuals for this but the people that set up courses like the PGCE, mostly these are people that have been in teaching themselves and are sharing their great knowledge in teaching.... but when i have spoke to people on these courses they dont really know anything about SEN children, oh actually they have one lecture on it. The truth is that in most classes in mainstream schools these days their is at least 1 or 2 children that have some sort of need, so why on earth are new teachers not getting the experiance of spending time in a special needs school or experiance working with these children for a least a week to better their knowledge to enable them to adapt and meet the needs of these children!!


What do you love about what you do? who do you admire who also seems to love this?

what i love about what i do, is making a difference to a childs life no matter how big or small.
As i work with children with difficulties/needs it can be very rewarding when they do something they never have that you have taught them.
For example i work with a child that has a condition that effects him/her in many different ways, one of them is being unable to communicate verbally. When i first met this child, they were unable to say many words and would make a noise for something they wanted. After modelling language, speaking clearly, using simple words/phrases, speaking to him/her everyday, using sign lanuage. Now over the course of 8 months, this child is now able to say 4 or 5 word sentances. I feel that with out the support of me being his/hers one to one for that time, this childs speach would not have improved and would set him/her even further back from his/hers peers and make it difficult for other professions to then understand him/her. I feel like i have set the foundations for his/her speach to keep improving as long as other professions that work with him/her continue this.
People who i admire who love what i do are all professionals that want to make change to a childs life and would go to the ends of the earth to improve a childs life.
 I admire my mum who now is a lecturer in child care, from having her own children and working with children gave her the ability to pass on her knowledge to further peoples experiances and to better them in their professional area. Not only does she do this but she does it with love and care to all her pupils and will go to the ends of the earth to help them reach their goals and support all the people she works with through postive or negative.

what do you feel you dont understand? who do you admire who does seem to understand it or has found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you?

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