Monday 19 November 2012


Im finding my lines of inguiry quite a challenge. Its difficult to distinguish what is important, my pacific interest and what will have enough imformation for me to really get stuck into.

It struck me the other day how much we expect out of our children at such a young age. Children are expected to start full time school at the age of 5 in britain. I am aware that in many other countries the age is much higher. There are many positives and negatives to this. I aim to enquire more into this and ask the colleges in my school, professionals etc.

This also links into summer time babies. This subject has made me question why the academic year is set out in years the way it is. There is a huge difference in a children when starting state school nursery in september when their birthdays are either earlier in the year or later. Some of the children turn 4 in the first quarter of the term, while others are later in the year, as late as august. This means some children have only just turned 3 when starting nursery (or 4 when in reception) in the september. I have noticed that summer time boys have quite a dramatic gap, epecially when compared to girls. It is established by lots of researchers that boys are slower to mature than girls. This has an effect on their overall learning. But by them starting earlier, is it putting them at an advantage when continuing through their school years because the intervention is started an an early age?

this is an american article that i found really interesting

Another subject i have always been passionate about is "the importance of play in early years and beyond". This has always been a special interest to me as i like to be very creative. Luckily the govenment introduced the 'Early years foundation stage' in 2008. This ment that every educational setting had a framework to ensure that children where being educationed/brought up in the best enviroment possible and would aliterate the importance of this part of a childs life. In some settings this is used in a exceptional, outstanding way. Children are in an environment that will extend there learning and there well being.

This links in with another subject i am passionate about. "working in parnership with parents".
As someone who works in a educational setting you can identify the children who's parents have made an impact on there childrens up-bringing/well being/learning. Dont get me wrong all parents effect the way their child is growing up, some good some bad. But i mean on levels that tick the EYFS. You can tell when a parent has taken the time to explore with their child. The child is more well rounded, settled and have a confidence to talk about their experiances etc.
This is not me saying that if you dont do this your a bad parent, its not. Its about us who are professionals in specific areas guiding parents to be the best parents and have the involvment in their childs life in the best way possible.

"if parents are not taught the right way, how do we expect them to give their children the best start in life"

I would very much appricate peoples different oppionions on these subjects.

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