Monday 26 November 2012

Task 5c

Personal Ethics

"Personal ethics is a category of philosophy that determines what an individual believes about morality and right and wrong. Personal ethics can affect all areas of life, including family, finances and relationships."

This module has made me think more about ethics and what they mean to me. I have always had personal ethics but i would have called them morals. It has made me realise that they are both the simialar when it comes to how i think and feel on a personal level.
From young we are forced with ethics with out even realising it. The way our parents bring us up is influenced with the meaning of what is right and what is wrong. These morals and values start with simple things like 'blowing your nose' to how you treat and respect people.We are all taught different ways, thats what makes us unique. There are many aspect in peoples lives that shape their personal ethics. Religion plays a major part in this as it shapes how we behave and what we believe in. Also the experiances that we go through in life, this can shape our personality and how we feel about certain situations. Its what makes us who we are. These ethics are then passed on to the next generation and it becomes a way of life.

Professional Ethics

"Professional people and those working in acknowledged professions exercise specialist knowledge and skill. How the use of this knowledge should be governed when providing a service to the public can be considered a moral issue and is termed professional ethics.[2]Professionals are capable of making judgments, applying their skills and reaching informed decisions in situations that the general public cannot, because they have not received the relevant training.[Professional ethics is a set of standards adopted by a professional community. Professional ethics are regulated by standards, which are often referred to as codes of ethics."

Professional ethics tie in closely with personal ethics. Personally i beleive that these are only gained when you have had experiance working closely with the public, this covers all areas like in a school, retail, care homes, business etc. These ethics will continue to grow the more experiance we get, this is what makes us professionals. As we learn what we feel is appropriate professional ethics we are able to put in them into play in a working environment. For example, luckly i have had the opitunity to go into schools across the borough, mainly going into reception or nursery classes. At first i went in with only my personal ethics and what i think is right. Gradually i begain to learn the ethics of schools and the ethics of the professionals that work within them. I was quick to learn that not everyones professional ethics are the same, you can see this through the way teachers teach and work with children and other professionals. This experiance has shaped my awareness of the differences we may encounter within a profession.

Orgainsation Ethics

"Organizational Ethics is the ethics of an organization, and it is how an organization ethically responds to an internal or external stimulus"

When starting this module, this was what i thought ethics was. All about the ethics of an organisation. I presumed that they all fell into this, i never really saw personal and professional ethics as seperate.
This is something that i looked at when i first started looking for a job. I researched about the different organisations before i applied for the job and looked at their ofsted reports. The obvious is that you are going to work for an orgainsation that works in harmony to your own morals/ethics. Sometimes these are not met but us as professionals need to be able to adapt our practice to suit and meet the organisations ethics.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily,

    Right, so ethics are a branch of philosophy. There are ethical implications about how we live, work and practice. I think a useful question might be: what ethical considerations span these domains, and which are unique?’ so where does personal, professional and organisational cross-over, link or compete?
